Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Well, we did it!  We have a tiny little shop up and on the internet, and it's going to be full of interesting little things that .we Crazy Ladies find cute, charming, odd, handy -- Oh, anything that catches our fancy!  Donna is currently putting things in on a regular basis, so be sure to check it often.  It will change!

Right now, some of the things you might find in our little shop are butterfly garden seeds, women's clothing, cute t-shirts, readings with the Spirit Lady and more.  Plus, there's even more being posted tonight!  You just never know what you might see, so check it out!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Save the Monarch!

When many think of a butterfly they picture the beautiful Monarch. Sadly, thinking of this incredible creature may be all we can do in the very near future. 

In 1991, over 75% of the wintering Monarchs from North America froze to death in Mexico as a result of three days of rain and sub-freezing conditions.  Since then, the increased use of pesticides, climate change, and urban sprawl, has the Monarch and other butterflies in a disastrous decline, and Monarchs could actually be extinct by 2024. That's only two years -- TWO YEARS.

Due to the severity of the Monarch's decline, the International Union for Conservation of Nature Scientists has declared it endangered. However, while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that listing the monarch under the Endangered Species Act is warranted, they have opted not to do so due to higher priority listing actions.  Translation: the USFWS feels that other things are more important than butterflies.

So, are butterflies important?  YES!  They pollinate our plants, which means they help us live.  It's as simple as that.  Butterflies help us live.  

Monarchs need our help!

There is something you can do to save both the Monarch and the other endangered butterfly species.  Plant flowers!

As a fundraiser for Yvonne's Trip of a Lifetime, we're going to help save butterflies.  For only $2 plus $1 S&H ($3 total) we'll provide you with enough seeds to start a small butterfly garden.  Included in the seed packet will be several varieties of seeds, including milkweed, the only plant upon which Monarchs will lay their eggs.  The other seeds will be wildflowers known to feed various caterpillars and adult butterflies.  We'll also send along instructions on how to get started.

Once the garden begins to bloom you'll think of Yvonne every time you see a butterfly.  What a wonderful way to save a species and remember a friend!