Just when I think I'm out, they pull me right back in -- cheesy disaster movies.
Saturdays are particularly difficult. So many channels seem to play them. Just today I've seen tornadoes destroy the Midwest, asteroids threaten the Earth, and Vesuvius take out Pompeii -- again. I tried not to watch them. After all, I've seen Twister so many times that I can practically quote it line for line, but I had to watch. I really had to. It's all about... The Suck Zone.
They suck me right in every time.
I especially like the movies based on natural disasters. Aliens are cool, but I prefer tornadoes, volcanoes, tidal waves -- you get it. I've put my poor boys through them to the point that they just hear "Twister," and they groan. I don't think they have the appreciation for a fine disaster flick quite like I do, but maybe it's best that they didn't inherit my... problem.
Just so you grasp the severity of my problem, here's a list of a few of my favorites.
- Twister
- Armageddon
- Deep Impact
- Independence Day
- The Poseidon Adventure
- The Towering Inferno
- All Airport movies
- The Day After Tomorrow
- Dante's Peak
- Sharknado
- Battle Los Angeles
- Earthquake
- Shaun of the Dead
- Tornado!
- Volcano
- Category 6: Day of Destruction
- Poseidon
- 10.5
- 10.5 Apocalypse
- Tornado Valley
- 28 Days Later
- 28 Weeks Later
- Night of the Twisters
- Airplane
- Metal Tornado
- Storm Cell
- Into the Storm
- Tornado Warning
- The Core
- NYC: Tornado Terror
- 2012
- Atomic Twister
- War of the Worlds
- Ice Twisters
- F6 Twister (Christmas Twister)
- Any and all Godzilla movies
As you can see, I have a very, very serious problem. If you know of a support group, please let me know. My sons and roommate would truly appreciate it. I'm not sure how many more times they can sit through one of these movies.
Queen of cheesy